
澳门威尼斯人直营网站 shippers have multiple options they must look at when trying to get the best deal on shipping costs. 你应该知道的两个选项是合约汇率和即期汇率. 利用杠杆的公司 满载(超光速)需要拼车 航运在不同的时间和原因使用这两种方法. Regardless of whether you are currently navigating a stable or turbulent economy, underst和ing spot 和 contract rates for your shipments can save you money 和 time.

This breakdown of contract 和 spot rates will help you underst和 the difference between the two 和 when to use them, 以及它们的优点和缺点.


A contract rate is a set price negotiated with the carrier to move consistent loads of 威尼斯人彩票直营 在特定的车道上达成协议的程度. 费率是根据签订合同时的市场价格计算的. 因为澳门威尼斯人直营网站的波动, contract agreements typically run for 12 months but they could be as few as three months or as long as 24 in some cases.


一致性是走合同路线的最佳理由. 价格不仅是在协议期限内确定的, 但你将在同一家运营商的基础上工作. That gives you both an opportunity to build a trusting relationship 和 establish expectations.

订定澳门威尼斯人直营网站, 您将有权更准确地预测运输费用和, 反过来, 计算客户价格. 目前,我们正在经历一个 货运量持续衰退 从2022年开始. This gives shippers the upper h和 since carriers with excess capacity are willing to offer lower prices. 这只是意味着一旦你被锁定, you're safe from price hikes when the economy rebounds 和 freight rates normalize. +, you'll save on administrative costs by not having to find carriers 和 negotiate pricing for every shipment.

航空公司喜欢合同运价,因为他们可以依靠这项业务. They benefit by knowing their cargo spaces will be filled at the agreed-upon rate, 容量和频率. 在货运衰退期间,这对他们来说尤其重要.


澳门威尼斯人直营网站 shipping rates will increase once the economy shifts back to a carrier market, 一些分析人士表示,这可能会在2024年晚些时候发生. 当货位需求大于货位可用量时, 货运的市场价格将会飙升. Negotiating a contract rate when carriers have the upper h和 will lock you into a higher rate, meaning you won’t benefit from dips in the rate during the length of the agreement.


那些长期供应同一种商品的公司, using the same type of equipment 和 shipping in the same lane are prime c和idates for contract rates. Companies like this appreciate contract arrangements because they are guaranteed cargo space for their shipments.


你可以自己寻找承运人并协商合同澳门威尼斯人直营网站. 因为你将与运营商建立长期关系, 研究他们如何做生意是很重要的. 使用我们的指南 如何选择合适的货运公司. You should also do parallel research on multiple companies to find the best fit for your shipments. After you've made your selection 和 contacted several companies for availability, submit a request for proposal (RFP) to your selected carriers to give them an opportunity to bid for your freight loads.

When writing an RFP, provide as much information as possible to the carrier, including:

  • 货物体积
  • 特定航线的运输频率
  • 商品种类、价值及澳门威尼斯人直营网站等级
  • 货物的平均重量
  • 取货、运输和交付所需的设备
  • 业务需求和关键绩效指标(kpi)

The best time to negotiate annual contract rates or work with a new carrier is when dem和 for cargo space is low — generally in March. Some logistics researchers who analyze rate fluctuations say contract rates typically rise 和 fall simultaneously with spot rates. That means keeping a keen eye on the market is key to getting a low rate relative to the economy.


除非你习惯于为货运找承运人, it can be time-consuming to find carriers 和 difficult to know if you're getting a good contract rate. 与第三方物流供应商合作 或者货运代理可以帮助缓解这些挑战. These companies already have relationships with a vetted network of carriers that are selected based upon reputation, 安全和服务. 自然, carriers are more willing to negotiate pricing with a 3PL who can bring them consistent shipping business. 此外,第三方物流分析师知道报价是否公平合理.


即期汇率是短期的单一定价协议, 从A点到B点的多站或部分货运. The price shippers pay is dependent on the market 和 supply/dem和 pricing for that specific day. Shippers mostly request spot rate quotes for one-off shipments which could be planned, 无计划的, 零星的, 季节性的:季节性的或紧急的.

FTL和LTL澳门威尼斯人直营网站均适用即期费率定价. 事实上, shippers who typically choose contract rates could benefit from spot rates in some instances — depending on the type, 大小, 货物的尺寸和体积.


If you pay attention to fluctuations, you can negotiate your rates when they decrease. 事实上, 如果你能提前几个月安排, you can take advantage of current rates which may be more economical than those down the road. 只要记住, waiting for a potentially lower rate can backfire 和 you might not find available cargo space, 或者,承运人可以提高对迫切需要服务的托运人的费率.


与合约定价不同,现货汇率并非长期锁定. 正如它的名字所反映的那样, 即期汇率因市场而波动,每天都可能有所不同. The current freight recession is favorable to shippers since dem和 for cargo space is low 和 carriers have dropped rates. 最后, shippers are not locked in with spot rates 和 they can enjoy lower costs when the market is in their favor.


Shopping around for the lowest rate 和 continually changing carriers does have its challenges. 它减少了你发育的机会 牢固的托运人-承运人关系 而且你不会直接知道新运营商是如何开展业务的, 如果他们是可靠或及时的, 或者您是否可以提出具体的服务请求. +, 正如前面提到的, you will have to ride the ebbs 和 flows of the market 和 take what pricing is available.


在谈判即期汇率时,要清楚你要运输的是什么. 承运人需要提供准确报价的具体信息,包括:

  • 商品类型
  • 分类和NMFC代码
  • 货物的重量和尺寸
  • 装运始发地和目的地
  • 取货和送货所需的设备
  • 运输方式
  • 交货速度
  • 专业服务需求


您可以自行向承运商索取报价,或者 与第三方物流公司合作,节省时间和精力 因为他们已经和运营商建立了关系. Some, like 澳门威尼斯人直营网站, have vetted their carriers 和 have negotiated pricing with them. 您可以通过它连接到运营商的第三方物流网络 运输管理系统) 和 use it to compare carrier availability, services 和 rates for LTL 和 FTL shipping.

对即期汇率和合约汇率有疑问吗? unisshipers可以提供帮助!

澳门威尼斯人直营网站 has more than 30 years of success in the logistics industry 和 helps thous和s of small to mid大小d businesses (SMBs) move products with great efficiency. 我们也是WWEX集团的一部分与环球快递(Worldwide Express)和GlobalTranz并列. 结合, these three companies make up one of the largest 和 most diverse 3PLs in the industry, providing shippers with top solutions 和 financial stability that helps them succeed. We can also help you find spot 和 contract rates from our network of 75+ LTL 和 85,000+超光速货运船.

See how unisshipers可以提供帮助 you transform your 威尼斯人彩票直营 和 help you navigate spot vs contract freight rates. 如果你准备好与专家交谈, 今天就开始免费咨询吧!



说到货运, we know small 和 mid-大小d businesses (SMBs) are always searching for the best freight…
